Insects in this category–bees, hornets, wasps, and yellow jackets–are all flying stinging bugs. Some are good for your environment and others are extremely harmful to not only the environment but your safety. It is important to consult a professional before attempting to remove any of these insects, as they may attack if their nests or hives are disturbed. All feral bees in Arizona are considered to be africanized. On average 7 people die each year from spider bites but 8 times as many die from Bee and Wasp stings. They can hurt or even kill you so please, if you have a Bee problem at your home or place of business, call Peep's Pest Control for speedy and complete removal. As you can see, these are not your average Bees that we are dealing with. On average 7 people die each year from spider bites but 8 times as many die from Bee and Wasp stings. We cannot stress enough that this is not a can of Bee spray kind of job. These Bees will hurt or kill you so please, if you have a Bee problem at your home or place of business, call Peep's Pest Control for speedy and complete removal. All feral bees in Arizona are considered to be africanized.